Sunday, February 3, 2013

Shooting everyday this week... again!

Yesterday I met Sidney Kraemer and she shot a gold themed beauty shoot. AMAZING makeup and hair.. I'm so excited to get my hands on these photos to show everyone!

Behind the shoot:

Today, I had a shoot with Sequoia Ziff who I met through model mayhem. We hiked until we couldn't breathe, climbed trees, shot in her own bathtub, and I can tell we got some amazing shots. I will put some up as soon as I get them!

Shoots coming up later this week:
Amiee Nicolas, Jesse Narducci, Emily Weinberg, Dondee Quincena, Imane Masud, and Sequoia Ziff again for Della Spring 2013 Collection (already sold in Apple Stores!!!) 
THEN, I'll hopefully be shooting with Kenny Sweeney, who is incredible.
and also I'll hopefully meet up with Sydney Garrison the casting director of Nastygal Clothing. 
Fuck yes.
Why did I ever even start college? hahaaa

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